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7 of the Best Things to Do on a Road Trip
05 January 2022

You’ve planned your route, loaded up the car, and finally hit the road. Now what?
At HearHere, we firmly believe the roads are better than flying. In fact, road trips can be jam-packed with nonstop fun. We’d even go as far as to say that driving is often the best part. After all, it's not the destination that matters—it's the journey.
A road trip done right means constant opportunities for memory-making, whether you’re on the road or at your destination. If you’re wondering how to elevate your road trip experience, wonder no more. Here are the 7 best things to do on a road trip.
1. Listen to an Audiobook
When was the last time you read a book? Sure, there are endless excuses to avoid reading––work, kids, keeping up with the latest Netflix hit. Once you’re on the road, though, those excuses go out the window. A road trip is a perfect time to dive into a novel without doing any reading at all.
Before your trip, download a few audiobooks onto your phone. Or, if you like to keep it old school, you can pack a few CDs or cassettes. Depending on the length of your journey, audiobooks can burn many hours of driving time. Plus, if you’re traveling with young kids, it can keep them quiet (or put them to sleep).
Driving to Yosemite? Put on Alone on the Wall by Alex Honnold. Heading up to Yellowstone? Throw on The Rise of Wolf 8 by Rick McIntyre. Not only are these books wildly entertaining, but they will also get your group even more excited for your destination.
2. Do Something Spontaneous
In our guide to planning the perfect road trip, we stress the importance of planning a route. Still, rules are meant to be broken, and a road trip can feel too rigid without spontaneity. Trust us, the most memorable parts of a road trip are the parts that weren’t planned.
Driving past an old-school diner that boasts the best burger in the midwest? Dig in! Passing by a picturesque meadow? Pull over and have a picnic! Approaching the bluest lake you’ve ever seen? Take a dip!
Rather than thinking of your schedule, instead think about the opportunities you may never get to experience again. While your itinerary is important, it’s just as important to give into unscheduled opportunities. After all, the world doesn’t always follow your itinerary.
Pro Tip: Plan For the Unplanned
While it’s important to be spontaneous, you also don’t want to miss your check-in or tour departure. Therefore, when you make your road trip itinerary, allow for some wiggle room.
For example, if it’s a five-hour drive to your next location, assume that the trip will take seven hours. In addition to allowing for some spur-of-the-moment fun, this will also account for any unforeseen complications or emergencies.
3. Take a Tour
If an audiobook isn’t quite your speed, opt for an audio tour instead. By learning about the location to which you’re traveling, you’ll create even more intrigue and excitement.
Plus, by listening to the stories told by travel journalists and travel experts, you will find a newfound appreciation for your destination. That’s elevated tourism!
HearHere’s collection of over 8800 bite-sized stories takes your interests—from Music to Sports to Local Insights and everything in between—and crafts content tailored to the themes you love, narrated by some of your favorite voices.
When you travel with HearHere, you do more than just see the sights. You learn the stories and legends that bring America’s beautiful landscapes to life.
4. Play a Game
Electronics can only keep you entertained for so long. After hours upon hours of listening to music or podcasts, the words can start turning into white noise.
While these forms of entertainment can be fun, they can take away from one of the best parts of a road trip––interaction between you and your loved ones. What’s the solution? Good old-fashioned road trip games.
Road trip games not only pass the time, but they can also liven the mood and inspire camaraderie between your passengers. After hours on the road and several fast food meals, a morale booster will be in high demand. Thankfully, there are plenty of road trip games for both kids and adults.
5. Save the Memories
While the most memorable parts of air travel are delays and long security lines, road trips allow for all kinds of spontaneous adventures. Even the most disastrous road trips can make for lifelong memories. Just look at Little Miss Sunshine.
The best way to capture these memories is via photography. Luckily, most of our phones can take great pictures, but it doesn’t hurt to have a more professional DSLR camera.
Taking videos of your experiences is also a must. While road trips are the most fun in the moment, reliving those memories with photos and videos is also a ton of fun.
There are also a ton of other ways to archive your experience:
- Keep a journal
- Write blog posts
- Film vlogs for YouTube
- Make a photo montage
- Buy a souvenir from each stop
No matter how you do it, you’ll love that you’ve archived these memories to look back on in the future.
6. Go Analog
No matter how old you are, you’ve probably become reliant on your phone or GPS for directions. Modern technology has allowed road trips to become as easy and accessible as ever. However, this ease can make for an uninspired experience.
Although it’s probably best to stick to the GPS for most of the trip, that doesn’t mean you and your passengers can’t challenge yourselves once in a while. If you’ve been on the road for a while and are looking to shake things up, swap your phone for a paper map.
Most of us haven’t used a paper map in years, while some may have never used a paper map at all!
Similar to a road trip game, this can be a fun challenge that engages everyone in the car. On top of that, it will make the driving aspect of the road trip even more intimate. Then, you can brag to your friends about how you did a road trip without your phone!
7. Watch the Sunrise
The best part about sunrises is that no two are the same. While waking up early enough can be hard work, there’s nothing better than seeing your hard work pay off.
At least once on your trip, make an effort to catch a sunrise. Because high views are the best views, the best way to witness such beauty is with an early morning hike to the top of a peak.
We won’t blame you if you opt to drive instead, though!
Start Your Adventure With HereHear
No matter how you choose to road trip, you are guaranteed an unmatched experience when you use the HearHere app.
From point A to point B and all the points in between, you deserve everlasting memories and insightful, curated entertainment. With HearHere, you’ll be sure to stay entertained and informed throughout your trip.
Download HearHere for your next great expedition..
Alone on the Wall by Alex Honnold | Goodreads
How To Read A Map: A Hillwalk Guide | Hillwalk Tours
How to Buy a DSLR Camera – DSLR Purchase Guide | Photographylife